What to expect at each visit?

Our Techniques
That's why we are trained in multiple chiropractic techniques and adapt our methods based on each patient's personal preference.

Our techniques include manual diversified adjustments, gentle drop table, and activator adjustments for those who prefer "non-clicking" adjustments. Additionally, we utilize SOT techniques and are trained in Webster's Technique, which can provide support during pregnancy. 

The Initial Consultation

We look at health from a difference perspective. This appointment allows us to learn about your past and present health history giving us all the information we need to tailor our examination and chiropractic care for your body and health goals.

In some cases, X-rays may be required before an adjustment, we refer out for this service.

Please allow 30 - 45 minutes for this appointment.

The Report of findings
During this visit, we take the time to thoroughly review the findings from your initial consultation to provide personalized recommendations that align with your unique health goals.

We review your nervous system function, spine and postural alignment to develop a customized care plan tailored to your individual needs. In addition to the Chiropractic care provided in the studio, we provide at-home recommendations and exercises to help support your progress between appointments.

Please allow 30 minutes for this appointment.

What to expect at your chiropractic visits - chirorpactic techniques

"At The Wellness Den, we understand that everyone is unique and we believe that the chiropractic care we provide should be just as unique as the individual. ".