and Babies

The first observable organ to develop in utero is the baby's nervous system visible from around 3 weeks, this vital system directs the growth of the rest of the baby's body.

Tension and disturbance of the spinal joints can have a wide-ranging effect on the baby's body, from being slightly irritable, to having a preferred seeping or feeding side or restricted motion, colic, or digestive issues.  

When the spine is not moving well it can effect the function of the nerves passing through that area and this can result in altered function. 

Studies have shown that Chiropractic can help up to 94% of children with colic, and new Mums have also reported improvements in their babies digestion, sleep, and a reduction in the amount of ear or throat infections. 

Chiropractors use very gentle techniques to release the tension in the nervous system of babies and children of any age, allowing their bodies to function optimally.

Delivery of your baby whether it is a vaginal, caesarean, forcep or ventouse delivery puts the babies head and neck under considerable amounts of pressure which can lead to stress in the spine and nervous system.

Having your baby checked by a Chiropractor after birth gives them a great start to a happy and healthy life.

Further Research on the benefits of Chiropractic on Babies and Children can be found here. 

"Chiropractors use very gentle techniques to release the tension in the nervous system of babies and children of any age, allowing their bodies to function optimally".